Sunday, October 7, 2012

Once Upon Enchantment

Torches light a winding road
Through the forest's
Humble abode

Breezes wisp
Her hair around
Leaves float softly
To cool ground.

All is silent
On full moon night
The quiet woods
She thinks are right.

Hooves come beating
'Round the bend
Sound is soft
And then strengthened.

Swish of skirts
She turns to see
A knight come riding,

He comes closer
She knows the pace
He draws her up,
Sees her face.

Bows low
Strong, firm arm
Lifts her gently
With no harm.

Slowly now
She turns her face
To his warm skin
And loving embrace.

With one hand
Lifts her chin
And to her lips
A kiss therein.

Holding her close
To his heart
Heels to horse
They swiftly depart.

Into the moonlight
The ground
Fog covers
Ride the two
Enchanted lovers.

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