All my life I've saved quotes, stories and thoughts, mostly in little notebooks, files online, and scrap pieces of paper. Then, after many moves, de-junkings and failed hard drives later, I wonder where that cool quote from that one person was and get sad or ticked that I didn't have a better spot to save the little snippet.
BloggerPickles is my site to share these items with myself and if you want to read them too, be my guest.
I like lots of topics and in all formats - video, quotes, stories, or pictures.
If you think you have one I'd like, please comment and share.
There are never too many blog pickles to share.
Why Pickles?
At one point in my life I was a missionary. I used to type up quotes and glue them to colorful paper. I happened to send a few of the quotes to my parents and they were on green paper and were kind of shaped like a pickle. So, my Dad wrote me a letter (pre-email) saying thank you for the "little quote pickles."
Here's one of them:
So, figured I'd call them "bloggerpickles" when I brought this online.